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Dancing on Mars ( published by All Things That Matter Press)—is available for Nook at Barnes and Noble online and at Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audio. To check out reviews or order your own version: http://www.amazon.com/Dancing-Mars-Lucinda-Shirley/product-reviews/0985006617/ref=sr_1_1_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1

One reader says, "Dancing on Mars is a genre-bender, mixing interview, memoir and original poems. It's a feast, not an appetizer!"

Here's how author Cassie Premo Steele describes it: "They say 'the truth shall set you free,' and here it is: a truth-telling memoir about growing up in the small-town, segregated South—politics, sex and religion; relationship, marriage and motherhood; loss, healing, feminism and enlightenment; and the bare beauty of a life by the water's edge. . . ."

There are also some fascinating insights from other women on the subject of living married and single lifestyles— and a sprinkling of original poems to amplify relevant prose.

One reviewer says, "This is EveryWoman's book—every age, every experience. You will laugh, cry and learn through this fascinating, honest and courageous journey to one woman's truth, but you won't put it down." A few wise men have enjoyed it and learned more about women.

You'll find a book trailer here and photos from the hometown in Dancing on Mars. I'll be posting comments and sharing book reviews, writing about themes presented in the book, and sometimes commenting on the events of the day. Humor will be in the mix; it's a high-value aspect of my life.

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Writers need readers almost as much as we need oxygen, so major thanks for being here. I'll be happy to hear from you!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sharing Book Trailer

Trailer for Dancing on Mars - now available at Amazon in paperback or Kindle.  Check out the reviews!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It's exciting and gratifying to learn, from reviews and e-mail feedback, that Dancing on Mars seems to be fulfilling its intended purpose—inspiring women, through my own story, to live their lives authentically, more by design than by default.  And I'm finally beginning to exhale, after hearing from a number of enthusiastic women that it's an enjoyable read!

I will share one of the reviews here.  Others are posted at Amazon.  If you'd like to write a review or give Dancing on Mars a shout-out at Goodreads or other such sites, that would be wonderful. 

"What would happen if one woman were to tell the truth about her life? The world would split wide open."(Muriel Rukeseyer)  I danced, laughed and cried with Lucinda as she took me on her journey of self discovery and exploration of her real, deep truth. With her humorous, strong, smart Southern self, she shares her experiences with relationships, love, joy, pain, and happiness in her own unique style that will inspire you to examine your life from a more conscious place of awareness. The interviews of other real women's truth on marriage, divorce and being single were enlightening and a must read for any woman considering any of the three. Dancing On Mars is THE guide for women ready to split the world wide open with their truth and freedom of expression in every aspect of their lives. Buy It. Read It. Do It!

Rosalyn Adams, Charleston, SC

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

DANCING ON MARS is at Amazon now!

I had thought it would be another week or so before the book was available at Amazon.  But on Sunday March 4, a friend let me know she had just bought a copy.  So we're off!

At this time it is in paperback and for Kindle; soon, I'm told, it will be available for Nook.

Thank you for your enthusiastic response and for the early Amazon reviews.  Keep 'em coming!  :-)
One friend soon will be posting a review on Goodreads.  If you're inclined to visit that site later, it would be great to have a mention there.  It's an interesting site and on my to-do list for a return trip!

Today March winds are tossing clouds of pollen over the landscape.  A small inconvenience in  light of the losses from the recent tornado outbreaks.  May that be the end of natural disasters for a long, long while.  Weather experts (scientists, people) are saying the unusually early, violent tornadic activity is likely due to the warm winter we've had.  It's hard to believe there's anyone on the planet today who doubts the reality, and impact, of global climate change.

May the springtime be a peaceful and quiet one throughout the country and the world.  That is the thought form I am sending out today.