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Dancing on Mars ( published by All Things That Matter Press)—is available for Nook at Barnes and Noble online and at Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audio. To check out reviews or order your own version: http://www.amazon.com/Dancing-Mars-Lucinda-Shirley/product-reviews/0985006617/ref=sr_1_1_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1

One reader says, "Dancing on Mars is a genre-bender, mixing interview, memoir and original poems. It's a feast, not an appetizer!"

Here's how author Cassie Premo Steele describes it: "They say 'the truth shall set you free,' and here it is: a truth-telling memoir about growing up in the small-town, segregated South—politics, sex and religion; relationship, marriage and motherhood; loss, healing, feminism and enlightenment; and the bare beauty of a life by the water's edge. . . ."

There are also some fascinating insights from other women on the subject of living married and single lifestyles— and a sprinkling of original poems to amplify relevant prose.

One reviewer says, "This is EveryWoman's book—every age, every experience. You will laugh, cry and learn through this fascinating, honest and courageous journey to one woman's truth, but you won't put it down." A few wise men have enjoyed it and learned more about women.

You'll find a book trailer here and photos from the hometown in Dancing on Mars. I'll be posting comments and sharing book reviews, writing about themes presented in the book, and sometimes commenting on the events of the day. Humor will be in the mix; it's a high-value aspect of my life.

Please click "follow" to receive new posts from this blog. Also, you can click the Facebook "like" icon if you like what you read. And there's an option to "recommend on Google." Promotional possibilities abound. Would you kindly visit my Facebook author page and "like" it? http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lucinda-Shirley-author-Dancing-on-Mars/189083217857282.

Writers need readers almost as much as we need oxygen, so major thanks for being here. I'll be happy to hear from you!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Urge for Going

You'd think a writer— a poet for Heaven's sake—would be an eager traveler, ever in search of new horizons.  She'd have an "essentials" bag packed at all times, right?  Sadly untrue.  This writer-poet tends to enjoy "Dancing on Mars" from home base.  Don't get me wrong.  I do like new places.  Once I get to a destination, nobody has more fun or, so I've been told, is more fun to be with —all modesty aside.  (Full disclosure: And nobody's more neurotic, but still fun.)

Here's the problem:  Generally, when the idea of a trip has come up, it's been presented when I'm either overwhelmed with a project or crises on the horizon, just turning out the light for a good night's rest, or feeling a bit wobbly from a diverticular adventure.  At such times the last thing I want to do is power up my calendar and start planning an event six months or a year from now.  Sorry, I can't dredge up the least bit of enthusiasm. 

 So, would-be traveling companions, please pitch your travel idea gently, as you would wake someone you love from a deep sleep, someone who needs caffeine and a little time to wander into an area of consciousness where critical thinking happens.  Key word:  Gently.  Ease me into the idea.  No jolting.  Don't ask me what dates next June are free (I keep as much white space as possible at all times), and please don't ask what my favorite destination might be when you're calling from the car revved up on a great idea, and I'm groaning in bed in the fetal position with my heating pad.  Just mention that you're having the thought; maybe we can talk about it soon.  You might suggest that I check out photos of this irresistible place you have in mind.  Sometime.  Google it sometime.  Key word:  "sometime."

I'm in the midst of all sorts of vicarious travel at this very minute.  No ticket, no dramamine required.

On this day my fairy goddaughter and her family are flying away for the summer.  She was packing four people for three months and two climates.  They will be headquartered most of the summer in Bermuda and visiting friends and family in France, Italy, England and Wales.  Can't wait for the photos and blog entries.

Today is the last day of a Grand Canyon vacation for my son and his family.  They're having a great time.  How I wish I could have clicked my heels like Dorothy and joined them for a day; sadly, I have yet to master that.  I'm working diligently on heel-clicking and the art of bi-location.  Until I become proficient in both, I'll look forward to hearing more about their experiences and seeing all the pictures.  It would have been beyond great to see the Bliss Bringer's face when she first saw the big hole in the ground at age seven!

 They visited Sedona, briefly, and liked it a lot; it's one of the few places I've always wanted to go.   Sedona might be their destination next year, I'm told– made them think of me.  It was the vibe, I suppose.  And they will invite me to go with them.  I hope the idea becomes reality—but I'm not ready to start planning just yet!   (My grandmother, Mammy, used to say "If you want your vacation to seem longer, invite your mother-in-law to go along.")   Catch me sometime when my feet are propped up and I'm glorying in a glass of wine; then we'll talk.

 Here are my precious peeps!

While I wait for wanderlust to surprise me, the view at home ain't too shabby.  The wildlife here is one word, not two.  The ocean's just down the road,  but I can see this, and more, from my bed!  No packing, no passport.   The lake is mesmerizing, transports me to new inner landscapes.

                                             Egret on the wing, heading for the dam

                                             Elder Great Blue Heron under the Magnolia

Happy travels, y'all!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Artful Words from "Quirks of Art"

One of the themes in Dancing on Mars is living authentically.   I've found the heart to be a reliable compass for getting me to that place.  Doing what we love and recognizing that it makes our heart sing—maybe that's how we best serve in this world.

 Don't you love this message by Quirks of Art and posted by a friend on Facebook?

What was it you did as a child that got your full attention, held your interest so deeply that the hours seemed like minutes?  What does that for you now?  What, if it's going to be part of your day—or most of your day if you're wise—gets you out of bed, filled with energy and enthusiasm?  Whatever that is would be what makes you "come alive."  Let's go get ourselves a big helping of that! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Another Review!

Is there a 12-step program for authors who compulsively check their book page at Amazon?  I've recently heard that, after receiving 20 or more reviews, a book is placed in a more favorable position  with Amazon.  Whatever that means, it would be great to have 20 positive ones.  Fourteen at last count, so six more to go!  
I keep hearing from men (and about men) who have found the book an "instructive and enjoyable" read.  That's great news!  What's especially gratifying is hearing from readers who identify with what I've written and honor me by sharing aspects of their own lives; sometimes they tell me about "secrets" that have held them back, saying the book has helped them let go.   As the book trailer said, "When we share our stories, something always happens."  

Here's the latest review:
5.0 out of 5 stars Life, May 16, 2012
This review is from: Dancing on Mars (Paperback)
Life comes down to a series of choices. To hold on, to let go, to forget, to forgive. Dancing on Mars gives us the joyful and reasonable approach to complex issues that we all experience as we go through life. The impact of this book will stay with you for the rest of your life. Every woman should read it!

Link to DANCING ON MARS at Amazon


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beautiful Advice

                       "While writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen."
                                                                                        ~  Unknown
                    (Whispers photo shared by All Things That Matter Press on Facebook today.)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Reader Reviews Are Important

What a gratifying thing to learn today—that Amazon reviews are generally respected as much those written by professional critics now.  The piece (sorry,  I've forgotten where I read it!) says that sometimes professional reviewers give first-time authors short shrift,  choosing not to review first books at all.  Also, the pros often select books that have won prizes.

On the other hand, "regular readers" usually give us their no-frills assessment of a book, regardless of whether it's a first book or prizeless.  Of course it's possible that a marketing company or publicist could post reviews just to pump up the numbers for a book.  Apparently that doesn't  happen often, and we readers have good radar for that.  We usually can tell a genuine book review from the marketing hype.  Common sense is still a treasured commodity among readers, don't you think?

The reviews for Dancing on Mars have been excellent so far, and I'm hoping to see a few more on the book page over time.  I get excited every time a new one is posted, as if my inner child has been on a chocolate binge!

Wishing you a great weekend that will allow some relaxation and reading time.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Arts on the Ridge Festival - May 5, 2012

If you've never visited the charming town of Ridgeway in the South Carolina Midlands, you deserve to treat yourself.  Dawn Hendricks of Java Nook Books invited me, along with other South Carolina authors, to sign books and visit with Festival participants.  Java Nook Books itself is worth a trip to Ridgeway, even without a festival going on.  This quaint, independent bookstore shares space with the charming Whistle Stop Cafe where I got some of the best sweet tea ever (perfect, not syrupy sweet).  I loved the vibe in there, so much it was tempting to stay inside.  Nevertheless, I dragged my sorry self back outside to the book table just in time to see a cousin I had not seen in decades!

Dawn was so gracious and helpful, she would have turned the heat down if she could have -- 94 degrees and no shade in sight.   I was impressed by the talented, and prolific, authors from around our State.  I shared a table with the lovely Mary Neal Kunsman, there with her memoir Loves Remembered.

My friends and relatives came from Winnsboro, Columbia, Fort Mill and Camden, and it was great seeing everybody.  Thank you all for being so supportive and for being so much FUN!
After packing up my gear from the Festival, I loaded my belongings in Columbia and drove the three hours to Georgetown.  I was eager to get home and see the Super Moon over the lake there and, truth be told,  eager to wake up in my own bed Sunday morning.   At my familiar Sinking Springs. You know what I mean if you've read the book!

Thanks, Dawn, for the invitation and for wanting to have Dancing on Mars on the shelves at Java Nook.  I'll get copies to you ASAP!

Sizzling Saturday in Ridgeway - May 5

                                       Dawn Hendricks and Java Nook Books - thank you! 
                                       Mary is very wise.  No, she's not Mary Poppins!
                                                     Welcome to the Sizzlin' South, y'all!

Book Signing at Rosewood - May 4, 2012

Dancing on Mars
Book signing with author, poet and Rosewood Friend, Lucinda Shirley 3-6 pm    Friday, May 4 .   
Lucinda head Shot
What a joy to see old friends and meet a few new ones at the signing for Dancing on Mars at Rosewood Market in Columbia, South Carolina.  

                   SCENES FROM ROSEWOOD

Rosewood Market's founder and owner, Basil Garzia welcomed me by announcing the signing in their newsletter and having a tent set up. Very nice!  My friend Fran Massa George (who happens to manage the personal care and supplements department there) had gifted me with a beautiful cloth she made for the signing table!  During the afternoon old friends from the Senate, from the Wellspring health advocacy years, and even friends from childhood showed up to say hello and have their books signed.  What a great reunion it turned out to be!   My friend Cora Plass surprised me with a  vase of elegant flowers, fresh from the florist.  Thank you, Cora and Fran!  And of course I'm grateful to Basil for hosting me and making Dancing on Mars available locally .  AND I thank all of you special humans who took time to visit.  I won't try to name you all because I'd be sure to leave at least one out  (Murphy's Law)... and I met some cool new people, too!   So much fun.    I'll post a few photos - and some of those taken weren't worthy of posting because the subjects are SO much better looking than the pictures.  If your picture doesn't show up here, it's just me being merciful, doing what I'd want you to do for me.  We need to get together and have a re-take!

Lowcountry Book Signing - April 29, 2012

"With a little (lot!) of help from my friends" I had a book-signing party for Dancing on Mars readers in the South Carolina Lowcountry.  Beautiful day, beautiful clubhouse, beautiful friends - from Charleston, Georgetown, Pawleys Island, Litchfield and Murrells Inlet.  My "fairy goddaughter" Laura Lee and her daughter Anna were there.  Anna was the youngest guest at the party; she's an award-winning reader (although she will be waiting a while to read my grownups' book).  Last year, in Second Grade, she had read more books than any other student —not only in her class or her grade — but in all of Waccamaw Elementary! 

This was the first of three Dancing on Mars signing events in one week and the only one I hosted.   Here are some photos.