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Dancing on Mars ( published by All Things That Matter Press)—is available for Nook at Barnes and Noble online and at Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audio. To check out reviews or order your own version: http://www.amazon.com/Dancing-Mars-Lucinda-Shirley/product-reviews/0985006617/ref=sr_1_1_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1

One reader says, "Dancing on Mars is a genre-bender, mixing interview, memoir and original poems. It's a feast, not an appetizer!"

Here's how author Cassie Premo Steele describes it: "They say 'the truth shall set you free,' and here it is: a truth-telling memoir about growing up in the small-town, segregated South—politics, sex and religion; relationship, marriage and motherhood; loss, healing, feminism and enlightenment; and the bare beauty of a life by the water's edge. . . ."

There are also some fascinating insights from other women on the subject of living married and single lifestyles— and a sprinkling of original poems to amplify relevant prose.

One reviewer says, "This is EveryWoman's book—every age, every experience. You will laugh, cry and learn through this fascinating, honest and courageous journey to one woman's truth, but you won't put it down." A few wise men have enjoyed it and learned more about women.

You'll find a book trailer here and photos from the hometown in Dancing on Mars. I'll be posting comments and sharing book reviews, writing about themes presented in the book, and sometimes commenting on the events of the day. Humor will be in the mix; it's a high-value aspect of my life.

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Writers need readers almost as much as we need oxygen, so major thanks for being here. I'll be happy to hear from you!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Progress Report: Photo Shoot

The lyrics "I get by with a little help from my friends..." were playing around in my head the other day and I thought:  With this book I'm getting by with a whole lot of help from my friends!  I love them dearly, the ones I'll be talking about today and the ones who have helped in other ways.  The friends who were willing to share with candor about their experience being married or living single enriched this book in a major way.  Other women will be able to see themselves and hopefully benefit from what they have to say.

My sister-friend Pat edited the second-draft manuscript as meticulously as any professional editor would have.  Vicki, Paula, and Anita previewed the entire book and offered valuable comments.  Laura helped me set up my first blog and taught me how to upload photos and all the rest -- well,   most of the rest.  They've all done more than their share of listening.

Jodie, Beth, Sandy, Gail, Roz, Audrey, Trisha, Fran, Adrienne, Cora, and Ann read various parts of DANCING ON MARS and offered comments.  Friends who visit the  blog, read excerpts, and leave comments continue to cheer me along.  Indeed, I've gotten by with a LOT of help from my friends.  And they've done it all out of friendship, not for money.  Thank you all!

Paula Hines is working tirelessly on photos that could be used for publicity, to accompany book reviews, etc.  After experimenting with various qualities of afternoon and evening light, she has taken some beautiful photographs.  I'm pushing hard for her to go commercial ; she has done some breath-taking photographic work for charities, friends, family, etc.  Of course I'm not encouraging her to go pro until AFTER the book is done!  :-)

One of Paula's photos is my profile picture on Facebook, at Lucinda Shirley, author, and on my personal Facebook page.  This photography genius knew how to make me look a whole lot better than I really do!

                                                                         * * *

On Monday afternoon I packed three outfits, complete with earrings, for some picture-taking at my faerie goddaughter-friend Laura Lee's house.  Even though she hasn't chosen to go professional, Laura is — among many things —a mega-talented photographer.   Husband Sean recently gave her a camera that totally intimidates me.  Laura, however, can get it to make people look amazing.  She had agreed to take the "author photo" for the book.  I reminded her that in all likelihood the photo would appear slightly larger than a postage stamp, but that didn't stop her from doing it "right."

With the kids settled after school --  the youngest snoozing away and the oldest committed to checking on him -- we went outside to begin.  Ordinarily I'm self-conscious having pictures taken, but we had so much fun goofing around as I posed a zillion ways, using two sets of clothing and borrowing a pair of her really big earrings.  I insisted on planting myself in the children's Halloween graveyard, and she took a couple of shots there, just for fun.  Finally I had to force myself to stop laughing or risk a mascara-run, a "raccoon look" more haunting than any graveyard. 

                                                                    Meet Mr. Right!

Would you be more or less inclined to buy a book with this "graveyard" author photo on the back?  Would you be turned off by it?  OR would you not be likely to notice the author picture at all?  Your comments could help us decide.   Okay,  the grownup picture I chose is posted below.  Which should we use?  Please leave a comment and let me know what you think! 


Laura took a bazillion shots - click, click, click - until I felt like a real model doing a VANITY FAIR cover.  By the way, Laura looked like the model as she twisted her gorgeous self into a pretzel to get the shots she wanted; yoga is a miraculous thing -- that and all the motion that goes with mothering.

I was so into it, loving it all, that I wondered whether  I might become a narcissist before it was over.  Odds were against it, but still it is good to know I'm now capable of enjoying being the focus of attention.  Literally.  Personal growth doesn't always have to be painful!

Thanks to each and all of you, my Friends.

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